Curriculum of Robotics/AI:

Students are considered to have completed our program (course) if they complete five (sequential) classes of the program. These students will receive a Robotics Certificate from CBD Robotics. Classes will be highly specialized and focus on practical projects, students must complete new projects that are approved upon completing the course. Each class lasts 4 months or 16 weeks. Each week, students will attend 2 sessions. Each session lasts 2 hours, This includes theory and guidance for building practical projects. Students will develop practical projects under guidance of lecturers.

Python programming

Unit 1 Unit 2
Data types, control flow, functions, objects & classes Postgresql database, data modeling, sqlalchemy and model relationships in Python
Unit 3 Unit 4
Flask and the basics, building blog, authentication using flask-login, Unit test Api and web services, sending data API with POST, uploading files via API
Unit 5
Capstone project
Machine Learning in Python
Unit 1 Unit 2
Sqlite database, Pandas, Statistics, Probability, Hypothesis testing, Probability Distributions Acquiring data using json format, acquiring data from an API, scraping data from HTML websites
Unit 3 Unit 4
Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Multivariate Regression, Time Series Regression Classification, Fitting and Overfitting, Cross Validation, Random Forest, Bayes, KNN, Clustering, SVM, LDA, PCA
Unit 5
Capstone project
Natural Language Processing
Unit 1 Unit 2
Language processing and Python, Accessing Corpora and Lexical resources Processing Raw text, Categorizing and Tagging words
Unit 3 Unit 4
Classifying text, extracting information from text Analyzing Sentence Structure, Analyzing the meaning of sentences
Unit 5
Capstone project
Deep Learning
Unit 1 Unit 2
Tensorflow and the basics, MNIST Neural network, hidden layer, convolutional layer, maxpooling layer, sub-sampling layer
Unit 3 Unit 4
Convolutional Neural Network for Image Processing Recurrent Neural Networks for language processing
Unit 5
Capstone project
Computer Vision/Robotics
Unit 1 Unit 2
Machine Learning for Machine Vision, binary classification, Expectation Maximization Gaussian Mixtures, Factor Analysis, Face Recognition
Unit 3 Unit 4
Image Processing and feature extraction, the pinhole camera, multiple cameras Models for style and identity, Temporal Models, Kalman Filter, Moving Objects
Unit 5
Capstone project

You can watch video of AI products in the world via link: Demo of AI products